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A Simple Note on the History of Shankaracharya Temple Srinagar

The Gopadri hill (1000 feet in height) in Srinagar is home to the Shankaracharya Temple Srinagar, also known as the Jyoteshwar Temple. One can experience the scenic beauty of the city from the temple. Pas-Bahar is another name for this temple given by the followers of Buddhism.

Lord Shiva is the main deity of this temple, represented in the form of Shivalinga in the sanctum sanctorum (prayer hall). The temple is an important pilgrimage place for the Kashmiri Hindus of the region, and historically, it is considered the oldest temple in Kashmir.


Though the exact date of construction of this temple is not known, people believe that Jaluka, the son of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, built it in 200 BC.

Sultan Sikandar, the ruler of Kashmir, destroyed the Shiva Lingam of the temple and several other idols of Gods. Later, different rulers at different times restored the temple because of the natural disasters and several attacks.

According to popular belief, several kings have repaired this temple over a period. The temple was rebuilt and renovated by King Godapatta in the first century AD, and he dedicated this temple to Jyeteshwara.

King Gopaditya (426-365 BC) and King Lalitaditya (697-734 AD) carried out later renovations. Gulab Singh of the Dogra dynasty renovated the Durga Naag shrine on its premises. The King of Mysore installed electric fittings in the temple in the modern period. In 1961, the Shankaracharya of Dwarkapeeth installed the statue of Adi Shankaracharya.

The current structure of the temple traces its origin to the 9th century AD during the reign of Sikhs. It was when the Shivalinga was placed in the temple. The Sikh rulers revived the fortunes of this temple with regular prayers and festival celebrations.

The temple is also called Bagh-i-Sulaiman by the Jews and the Persian community. Evidence indicates that this temple belongs to ancient times as scholars have found various Persian scriptures here.

People say that this temple had connections to the Jhelum river on its right bank and the top of the hill via stairs made of stone, but it was later destroyed by the Mughal emperor Jahangir.

shankaracharya temple srinagar

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Importance of the Shankaracharya Temple

A lot of stories and history are associated with the Shankaracharya Temple.

Devotees believe that Jesus Christ had visited this temple during his time. The temple stairs leading to the inner shrine mention this story. Historical references also mention this incident of Jesus Christ visiting this temple and Kashmir.

According to some beliefs, this temple was a Buddhist worship place. The temple also bears some Persian engravings, making it more popular.

The Shankaracharya Temple’s location is in the Himalayas near Mount Kailash. Devotees believe the bhakti of Lord Shiva spread from this region. Hence, this temple is an important site of Shaivism.

Many pilgrims visit the Shankaracharya Temple during their visit to the holy Amarnath Yatra. The temple has around 243 steps that allow the pilgrims to visit the shrine and offer their prayers in the temple.

In this region, the great saint Adi Shankaracharya composed his well-known spiritual text ‘Saundarya Lahiri’.

The devotees celebrate Shivratri with great joy in this temple by offering milk, fruits, and flowers to Lord Shiva. Celebrating the festival of Shravan Poornima is the main custom of this temple.


The original Shiva Lingam in the temple, along with over three hundred precious idols of Gods and Goddesses therein and other structures around the temple, were destroyed by Sultan Sikandar who ruled Kashmir. It was repaired during the Sikh rule. Later it was repaired by Maharaja Ranbir Singh, the second Dogra ruler of Kashmir.
The temple was originally connected with the river Jhelum near the temple of Goddess Tripurasundari on its right bank known as Shudashyar Ghat by a finely sculptured stone stair up to the top of the hill. Emperor Jehangir dismantled this flight of steps and the stones were used by his queen, Noor Jehan, to build a huge mosque, known as Pathar Masjid. Sunni Muslims never used this mosque for prayers because a Shia woman had built it.
The present structure is believed to date back to the 9th century and the Shivalinga was placed inside in the 19th century during the reign of the Sikhs. The temple became a hub of activity during this period and regular services were conducted within its premises. The fortunes of the temple experienced a revival during the Sikh period, with prayer services and festivals like Shravan Poornima being celebrated in the shrine.
shankaracharya temple srinagar


The Shankaracharya Temple reflects the original, popular Kashmiri style of architecture.

The Shankaracharya Temple is square in shape with a 20 feet tall octagonal rock base. The temple has a shikhara style architecture seen in the design of the building, and the horseshoe arch system reflects that style.

Octagonal columns support the hall’s ceiling, where the Shiva Linga is present. The width of the walls is about eight feet. The temple also has a basement which provides support to the building of the temple.

There are 36 stairs which lead to the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. These stairs, made according to Hindu philosophy, represent the 36 elements that make up the cosmos.

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The shankaracharya temple srinagar nestled atop the Gopadri hill in Srinagar, stands as a testament to Kashmir’s rich cultural and religious heritage. With its origins shrouded in history, the temple has witnessed numerous renovations and restorations by various rulers over the centuries. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, it holds significance not only for Kashmiri Hindus but also for followers of Buddhism and Persian culture. The temple’s architectural brilliance, reflecting the distinctive Kashmiri style, is adorned with intricate details and symbolism, including its octagonal rock base and horseshoe arches. Its sacred aura draws pilgrims from far and wide, especially during festivals like Shivratri and Shravan Poornima. The temple’s association with legends, including the purported visit of Jesus Christ, adds to its mystique. As a symbol of spiritual devotion and architectural grandeur. The Shankaracharya Temple continues to captivate visitors and stand as a revered icon of religious harmony in the region.

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