You are currently viewing Kalahasti: PANCHA BHUTA STHALAMS IN SOUTH INDIA


South India is cherished with several majestic and beautiful monuments, from mighty forts to the divine temples, from pillars to the stone carvings. All Kalahasti these monuments have a unique significance in their history, built, architecture, and their story.

The south Indian architecture is a great example of ancient architecture throughout history. From Dravidian style to the Vijayanagara architecture, there are several majestic temples to visit here.

Temples like Venkateswara Temple, Meenakshi Temple, Viruaksha Temple, etc. are a few examples from the plethora of temples here. The Srikalahasti Temple is a holy place that has a great history, and it seems that it has been there since the beginning of the century.


History of Srikalahasti Temple

During the reign of King Krishnadevaraya of the Pallava Dynasty, the inner temple was built in the 5th Century. By the 10th Century, the Tamil Chola Kings undertook the temple’s work. In the 11th Century, Rajendra Chola I, later Chola Kings, and the Vijayanagara Kings built the outer temple or the main structure. Additionally, they renovated the temple with assistance from successive dynasties in power. The construction of the main Gopuram, about 120 feet (37 meters) tall, and the Hundred Pillared Hall with Intricate Carvings in 1516 AD under Vijayanagara Krishnadevaraya.

The shrine faces West, and the temple faces South. There is a theory that the temple is out of a monolithic hill. However, it is really on the foothills. Surya Pushkarani and Chandra Pushkarani are two water bodies connected with the temple. The White Stone is carved into the shape of an elephant’s trunk to create the image of Shiva, known as a Linga. A Vinayaka shrine carved out of rock is located 9 feet (2.7 meters) below the surface. Some of the unique images in the temple include Sahasra Lingeshwara, Mahalakshmi-Ganpathi, and Vallaba Ganapathi. Jnana Prasanna Mamba has a significant shrine. Kasi Viswanatha, Annapurna, Sadyoganapathi, Suryanarayana, and Subramanya all have smaller shrines in the temple. The Sadyogi Mandapa and the Jalkoti Mandapa are two large halls.

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Srikalahasti Temple Legends

The Vayu Lingam, representing the element of air, is one of the Pancha Bhoota Stalams (comprised of wind, water, fire, earth, and ether) and is considered Swayambhu. According to another source, the Kalahasti temple derives its name from an elephant (Hasti), a snake (Kala), and a spider (Sri), all of whom worshipped Lord Shiva in their quest for liberation or moksha. Additionally, the temple is located near a small hill resembling the Himalayan Kailas, earning it the name Dakshina Kailasam or the “Kashi of the South.”


1. Vayu Lingam

Vayu, the wind god, offered penance to Shiva’s Karpoora or Camphor lingam for many years. Satisfied with Vayu’s penance, Shiva appeared before him and bestowed three blessings upon him. As a result, Vayu received the blessing of existing everywhere in the world, being a vital component of every being in the form of Air. Furthermore, the lingam worshipped by Vayu was named Vayu lingam.

2. Rahu-Kethu Pooja

People believe that the astrological effects of Rahu-Kethu influence them and perform Rahu-Kethu pooja to mitigate these influences. Saivite saints sang about this temple as early as the 1st Century. Interestingly, while all other temples in India remain closed during solar and lunar eclipses, this temple is the only one that remains open.

3. Bhakta Kanappa

The temple is to the myth of Saint Kannappa, a hunter who became an enthusiastic devotee of Shiva. He wanted to donate his eyes to contain the blood flowing from Lord Shiva’s lingam. Lord Shiva halted him, granting him moksha.

4. Gnana Prasunambika

Another story states that Shiva cursed Parvati, his consort, to shed her divine nature and take on human form. Parvati made atonement at Srikalahasti and delighted Shiva. She received a heavenly body from Shiva, one hundred times superior to her past appearance. In the temple, Parvati is as Gnana Prasunambika Devi or Shiva-Gnanam Gnana Prasunamba.

About Srikalahasti Temple

This holy place is situated in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Srikalahasti is a temple, which is famous among the devotees that visit this sacred place. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, who is a Hindu God with immense religious significance.

The temple was built in the year 1516 by “Krishnadevraya,” who is the king of the Vijayanagara Empire. This temple has a great architecture that can take a breath away with its incredible design right from the beginning.

The temple includes several intricate stone carvings of numerous mythological stories, which can be explored in the divine atmosphere. This holy place is mostly referred to as the Kashi and Kailasa of the south.

The temple’s architecture is constructed in a particular way that it signifies one of the five elements, Air or Vaayu. There is a profusion of divine and positive energy in the air over there. This place attracts visitors from all across the world with its fascinating beauty and architecture.

South India includes several popular temples for their design and architecture, but the Srikalahasti Temple stands out from all the holy places located there. The designing of the temple is considered as the highly ornamented gopurams with beautifully carved interiors. This sacred place is like a treasure for those who love exploring and studying South Indian culture and architecture.

Srikalahasti Temple Architecture


The temple is constructed using the beautiful Dravidian style of architecture. It was built in the 5th century during the Pallava period. This incredible holy temple offers a fantastic view for the visitors, as it is located at a hill’s base. Several folks believe that it is a monolithic structure, which means the entire temple is made out of a single large stone block.

The front entrance of the Temple faces the south, and the shrine faces in the west direction. The Lord Shiva Lingam locate inside the shrine is constructed using the white stone and is made in the shape of an elephant’s trunk.

The principle height of the temple is approximately one hundred and twenty feet. The temple corridor includes a mandap, which has hundred beautifully carved pillars that were built during the Vijayanagara Dynasty in 1516. Also, there is nine feet tall shrine, which is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva.

The temple also includes shrines for other Gods like Sad Ganpathi, Annapurna, Subramanya, Suryanarayan, Kasi Viswanatha, and Jnana Prasanna Mmba. All of these shrines are adorned with the pictures of Ganapati, Sahasra Lingeshwara, Vallabha Ganapati, and Mahalakshmi Ganapati.

The temple corridors also include two more mandaps, the Jalkoti Mandap and the Sadyogi Mandap. It also includes two water bodies, the Chandra Pushkarani and the Surya Pushkarani.

Other Notable Incidents from Mythology

Adi Sankara is said to have visited and worshipped in this temple. According to Hindu mythology, during each of the four Yugas, Brahma worshipped Kalahasteeshwara here. During the events of the Mahabharata, it is believed that the ruling deity at Srikalahasti received adoration from the Pandava prince Arjuna. After Ghanakala, cursed to become a ghost, prayed at Srikalahasti for 15 years, Shiva finally restored her to her original form after she chanted the Bhairava Mantra.

In another myth, Shesha and Vayu engaged in a battle to determine their superiority. To demonstrate her superiority, Shesha encircled Shiva’s residence, Mount Kailash. Vayu attempted to break the encirclement by causing a twister. As a result of the twister, eight pieces of the mountain collapsed, with one falling at Kalahasti.

Visitors and priests are prohibited from touching the Vayu Lingam at the Kalahasti temple, which is believed to be composed of wind. Furthermore, the temple itself lacks windows. Intriguingly, even when the temple doors are locked, the Vayu Lingam continues to move. Despite the restricted airflow, the lamp inside the temple keeps flickering. The temple literature encompasses numerous symbolic representations transformed into spiritual stimulants. Shiva, representing the Self, metaphorically embodies the awakened mind with the Ganges flowing from his head. Undoubtedly, Srikalahasti is a place that offers peace of mind.


On the key festivals celebrated at the temple is Mahashivaratri which occurs in the Maasi month which occurs from 15th February to 15thMarch. The fifth day of the Massi month coincides with Mahashivaratri. During the celebration of the festival the pooja of the deities are performed with zeal and enthusiasm.


The nearest airport to the Kalahasti temple is Tirupati airport which 30 km from the temple and is also the most convenient route. Tirupati is also endowed with several lodging facilities which make it even more convenient. Kalahasti is very well connected with Chennai and Tirupati and so a one day trip to the temple form Chennai is a feasible idea. A proper planning can easily let you cover Tirupati, Tirumala and Kalahasti in one day trip from Chennai by road.


6:00 AM to 9:00 PM


From RTC Bus Stand – 36 kms
From Tripura Railway Station – 36.5 kms


Sri kalahasti temple is located at about a distance of 38 km from the North of Tirupati central and it can be conveniently reached both from road and train. The temple is accessible from any of the trains of Vijayavada-Tirupati and also through various APSRTC buses.

Sri Kalahasteeswara Swamy Vari Devasthanams,
Sri Kalahasti, Chittor District,
Andhra Pradesh-517644
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The Srikalahasti Temple stands as a magnificent testament to South India’s rich architectural heritage and spiritual significance. From its ancient origins dating back to various dynasties to its exquisite Dravidian style architecture, the temple embodies centuries of devotion and craftsmanship. Its legends, including the tale of Saint Kannappa and the symbolic representation of the Vayu Lingam, add layers of mystique and reverence to its sacred atmosphere. As a center of worship for Lord Shiva, it attracts devotees and visitors from around the globe seeking solace and enlightenment. The temple’s festival celebrations, such as Mahashivaratri, further enhance its vibrancy and cultural significance. Conveniently accessible from major cities like Chennai and Tirupati, it offers a spiritual retreat amidst serene surroundings. Thus, Srikalahasti Temple remains an enduring symbol of faith, artistry, and divine tranquility in South India.

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